Short Curriculum Vitae – Åke Sandberg
Uppsala University, docent/associate professor, 1986, Faculty of Social Sciences; member of the Faculty collegium.
Uppsala University, Doctor of philosophy, Sociology, 1976 (following doctoral studies also at the Sociology Department, Stockholm University, and at the Institute of Industrial Economics and Management, KTH, The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm)
Handelshögskolan i Göteborg (The Gothenburg School of Economics), civilekonomexamen (MBA, 80p), May 1968, major in managerial economics (kostnads/intäktsanalys) and including economics, statistics, economic geography, and commercial law. Long courses in the English and French languages. A fourth semester in managerial economics. January 1969.
Presently since Sept. 15 2008 Professor at the Department of Sociology, Stockholm university. From January 2010 professor emeritus.
Independent research professional, consultant and author, Sandberg Research.
Earlier appointments:
1969-1975 Förste forskningsingenjör (Research engineer), FOA:s Planeringsbyrå (Defence Research Institute, Planning dept) Systemanalysmetodik/ Planeringsteori (Systems Analysis/Planning theory; during 6 months 1972 affiliated to Civilförsvarets planeringsavdelning/the Planning dept of the Swedish Civil Defence Authority. FOA is today called FOI.
1970 January-June, Scholarship ASTEF/ACTIM, Researcher/ ‘Stagiaire’ at BIPE (Bureau d’Informations et de Prévisions Économiques), Neuilly, Paris
1975 -1977 Researcher, IBADB Informationsbehandling/ADB, KTH/SU
Oct 1977 – Sept, 2008 Senior researcher, Arbetslivscentrum/Institutet för arbetslivsforskning/ Arbetslivsinstitutet/NIWL, project manager/research director, acting professor several periods,
Guest professor and adjunct professor:
April-June 1978, Guest professor at Institutt for Samfundsplanlaeggning, Roskilde University (RUC)
July 1988 – June 1992, Adjunct professor, part time at KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Dept. of Industrial Economics and Management (Indek)
Guest professor autumn 2000, 2½ month each at LEST-CNRS, Laboratorie d’Économie et de Sociologie du Travail, Aix-en-Provence, France; and at UNSW, the University of New South Wales, Sydney, at IROB School of industrial relations and organizational behaviour (today UNSW School of Organization and Management, O&M).
July 2003 – June 2006, Adjunct professor, part time at KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, School of Computer Science and Communication, CSC. I was affiliated to CID (Center for useroriented IT design), until 2006 when it merged to form the new unit HCI, Human-Computer Interaction.