‘Facebookvalet kapat av SD’

Teknisk notering: Debattsiten Newsmill stängdes ner i juli 2013. Det finns vissa möjligheter att via googles nedcachade sidor återfinna en del. Jag sökte i mitt arkiv och fann ett manus som tror jag är en kopia av den version Newsmill  publicerade 8 september. Idag är artikeln intressant då den visar att SD-arnas aktiva närvaro på […]

“Oroväckande nätval”

Min debattartikel om Sverigedemokraternas effektiva agerande på Facebook är nu publicerad i Värmlands Folkblad 13 sept. 2010 My opinion article, in Swedish, on the rightwing populist Sweden Democrats party activity on Facebook is now pubished.  See the summary in English in my earlier blogpost. En annan version av artikeln publicerades på debattsiten Newsmill. Ytterligare kommentarer här. […]

‘Zetterlunden’ in Stockholm inaugurated, in memory of jazz vocalist Monica Zetterlund – and meeting someone from forty years ago

What’s on my mind Facebook asks as soon as you open your account? Monica is on my mind. The great, fabolous Monica Zetterlund, musician, jazz vocalist with a broad repertoire. One of those great cultural personalities from the province of Värmland – my province 😉 Others: Selma Lagerlöf, Gustaf Fröding, Göran Tunström… Monica died five […]

New: Publications lists, CV, research projects

Now published : A list of some of my publications (books and reports, from the Libris library system) including some links to full text documents,  a detailed list of publications (including articles), a short CV, and an overview of research projects I worked in.

Hello there!

April 30 2010:  Welcome to my new home page. Slowly I intend to build it up with information about my work and reseaarch (and perhaps my life). There will among other things be presentations of research projects and lists of publications and some links to full texts.

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