All you need to know about our new reader on work and welfare in Sweden – in Swedish – on this homepage: Arbete & Välfärd – about authors, table of contents, book reviews and a study guide. In the next link find the publisher’s information. By the way, several of the 27 authors are habitués coming regularly to the International Labour Process Conferences.
Below find a modified google translation into English of the publisher’s short presentation of our book.
Here is a basic book about working life, a book about work, organization, personnel and management. It provides a solid basic knowledge and at the same time independent perspectives to discuss in seminars and among those interested in our societies. Basically, there is the question: What are the current trends in working life and the economy, and what do they mean for the quality and meaning of work, for health, influence, and power relations in the labor market?
Twenty-seven researchers from a number of universities and from various disciplines have collaborated to create an overall picture, which is both rich in perspective and coherent. Themes such as productive welfare and solidarity individualism are highlighted, as well as democracy and development work. Work & welfare provides an empirically and theoretically based picture of Swedish working life, with historical and international perspectives. Management strategies are presented, and above all what they mean in people’s work and lives. The book is rooted in work organization and workplaces, as well as in the economy and the labor market in general. The Swedish model, which sought to combine dignity in working life with welfare and competitiveness, has been questioned and transformed. We now ask ourselves: How robust is this “Swedish model” under pressure from globalization and digitalisation?
The book’s predecessor Leadership for all? was for decades course literature in university educations on personnel, organization and leadership in subjects such as sociology, business administration, work science, psychology and pedagogy, as well as in personnel education, trade union education and study circles. We expect wide use and high durability also for this completely newly written book.